Use Red filter for depth more than 8 meters
Close to object depend on your focal length of camera, too close image will be blur
Good light, use of Artificial lights and strobes
Balance and perfect Buoyancy, slow exhale to maintain good balance,
Wait for the camera to focus on the object of interest, if still no, slightly press the button of the camera, so that the camera autofocus on object of interest
Shoot opposite to direction of sunlight and not into it. sun rays on your back, and you will catch the beautiful blue background with the object
Use Rule of 9 or rule of thirds, make 9 boxes on your display panel and keep objects in the center or at the corner and rest coral and blue sea to get good image
Avoid fin kicks while taking video, keep the video short to 10-15 seconds
Be a the level of the object of interest, don’t shoot from top down