Whats the Minimum Age to start Diving ?

Age 8 to 9yrs – eligible for PADI bubble Maker and PADI Seal Team, should be with parents by the side

Age 10-11 yrs- eligible for PADI junior open water, Depth limit 12 meters, Parents mandatory during dives

Age 12-14 yrs – Eligible for PADI Certifications, Depth Limit to 18 to Max 21 Meters in AOW, Can dive with any certified diver after getting certification

Age 15 and above – eligible for adult PADI certification.

Which Organization License we Follow at present ?

PADI, Head Quarter Based in UK, have recognized centers all over the world, teaching centers, Resorts, PADI TRAVELS

Can I dive alone ?

No, Diving is buddy system, You should respect this system, I case you have problem, your friend buddy will take care of you and vice versa.

you need to get separate certification for a solo diver certification, once you have completed all the prerequisites, this is for only advanced divers.

Do i have to do in pool and open water exercises?

yes instructor will repeat all the exercises done in pool again in open water

If i have flu or fever, shall i be able to dive?

No, Diving is physically enduring work out, you need to be fit to dive, cold or flu will cause problems with equalizing

Who will decide, whether the condition is safe for open water Dive?

Judgement is done based on your ability to dive, your call, you decide whether to dive or not,
in case you may ask your instructor, if he feels its not safe for you. Respect his call.
you can always come back for next time and dive when its safe

Dive planning, who will do it?

Yourself, and you can ask your dive guide or the Instructor, follow them

whats the difference between the recreational and technical diving?

Recreational dive is horse of scuba diving, Technical diving is elephant of Diving,

Recreational dive, single tank, OC, NDL, depth limits, limited risks of DCS

Technical diving, minimum 3 to 4 tanks, gear 4 times, all accessories double up, deeper dive, decompression dive, longer safety stops, need to do multiple gas SWITCH

how do we breath when diving?

most important rule in diving, never ever hold your breath while diving,

Is pure oxygen recommended for diving?

100% O2 is not recommended, as the PaO2 reaches 1.6 at depth of 6 meters, you cannot use below 6 meters depth, risk of oxygen toxicity is there

Minimum dives to do Advanced Open water?

20 dives to complete AOW, during the course you will be introduced to variety of exercises and scenarios based on your choice, it’s like a examples from the each specialty courses.

Is a decompression stop needed in recreational diving?

No, we will follow the Safety First not to cross our set NDL by chart or dive computer.

By mistake you cross the set NDL, you need to follow the rules mentioned in RDP to be safe

Which safety tools shall we take while diving?

other than your dive gear, you may need to carry One visual Signal device- SMB or DSMB, One audio Signal device, Knife or cutter to cut fishing lines if you get entangled.

Night dive, torch lights, tank markers needed